Is Hair Transplant Really a Good Idea

Is Hair Transplant Really a Good Idea?

Hair transplant has earned its place for being among those reliable treatment for hair restoration today. However, despite its promise, this procedure has its limitations that will serve as important considerations for potential patients.

So, is a hair transplant really a good idea with the kind of follicular dilemma you have right now? Let’s tackle the matter further.

Check your expectations

As much as your eligibility for this procedure rely on the physical factors, the psychological aspect is just as important. Your surgeon will see to it that you have realistic expectations on the outcome of the procedure. Otherwise, you would not be considered a good candidate for surgery.

For instance, it is important to keep in mind that in hair transplant you have to contend with a finite amount of donor hairs. Hence, there is an apparent need to ensure that the hairs are used in an efficient manner. Therefore, you cannot just expect to keep having small surgeries to keep up with your hair loss. Aside from being impractical, you must also consider of the donor hairs if you keep on exposing your scalp to trauma.

If you fully understand what the surgery entails, what it can or cannot do, and even how long you would wait for results then you are a good candidate for a hair transplant.

Got Donor Hair?

The condition of your donor hair is a significant determining factor on whether hair transplant is the appropriate procedure for you. Those with low hair densities doesn’t make good candidates for hair transplant.

Normally, the donor hairs (also called terminal hairs) come in a uniformed diameter, but the action of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in androgenetic hair loss causes some of the terminal hairs to decrease in length and diameter too until they eventually succumb to miniaturization. These changes are first observed as thinning until it eventually leads to complete baldness. While this process may usually affect the front and top portions of the scalp, it can also wreak havoc on the donor areas. If these areas show thinning, particularly when a person is young, then a hair transplant may not be successful because the transplanted hair will continue to thin.

Men who are affected with diffuse unpatterned alopecia (DUPA) also have an unhealthy donor supply, making them poor candidates for a hair transplant. Therefore, make sure that you ask help from a hair transplant doctor who makes the extra step to carefully assess your entire scalp. A densitometer or an equivalent instrument can help do the job since miniaturization is not easily visible to the naked eye.

Flexible Scalp

The flexibility of the scalp or looseness of the skin is called scalp laxity. This is a relatively simple requirement in determining if a hair transplant will be appropriate for you. The looser your scalp is the easier it is for the surgeon to insert the new hair follicles. Conversely, the tighter the scalp and the lower the density, the more difficult it is to harvest your donor hair or close the donor area after surgery particularly in an FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) technique. If your scalp is exceptionally tight, them a hair transplant may not be a good option for you.

Looking for Instant Results?

No one can blame you if you want results now. However, the fact of the matter is that long-lasting results take time. If you want it to happen now, there are temporary solutions, but that’s also the catch – it won’t last you very long.

Depending on other factors, hair transplant surgery results will start to become apparent during the 4th to 8th month post-op. It is only around the 12th month, or sometimes 18th month, where you can already appreciate the final outcome. It may be a longer journey than most course of action, but it can give you natural-looking results that can last longer. This may not be the right treatment for those who are looking for quick fixes.

Got Funds?

Hair transplant is considered the last resort in hair restoration owing to the fact that it is an invasive procedure. The complexity of this surgery demands skills and meticulous effort from a trained, experienced and certified surgeon. This explains why it comes at a certain price too. So, if you are interested in undergoing surgery, be sure you have the funds to see it through.

Since hair transplant has gotten so popular, it is also hounded by substandard practitioners that will offer you remarkably low prices, but with not much to show for it. Some may even tempt you with package deals where you can get a certain number of hair grafts at a low price. With all these eye-catching offers that appeal to your pockets, it is always important for potential patients to know better.

It is never wise to spend your money on cheaper treatments or packages because hair transplant is not a cookie cutter procedure. If you want to commit to surgical hair restoration be sure that you have enough funds on stash to afford a reputable surgeon and good quality results. Otherwise, it would be for your own good if you go for other measures instead.

Hair transplant cost is no joke, but when done right, it is a smart investment. Remember that if you don’t have the luxury to spend on a good surgeon, you also don’t have the luxury of donor grafts. Therefore, you must to utilize resources wisely. It would be wiser that you wait it out until you can afford a good hair transplant rather than jumping right into cheap procedures that seems too good to be true.

On the question whether hair transplant is a good idea for you, it begs every hair loss sufferer to stop and reassess their situation. The question you can answer up front is whether you can afford a reputable surgeon. Your answer can already set you towards the next step. For the other considerations mentioned above, it helps that you get professional help so you can be guided accordingly.

While it is true that hair transplant is a treatment that has left many satisfied with their results, it is not always for everybody. What you must understand is that if you want to get your money’s worth, you need to know if you are a good candidate.

Book your consultation  with Dr. Daood of the Sydney Hair Transplant today to know if this is the hair loss solution that is right for you.

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