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7 Things to Expect After Hair Transplant-1

7 Things to Expect After Hair Transplant

Updated on December 23, 2019

Hair is an important aspect that defines your appearance and a feature that can either boost or bust your confidence. This is why some guys are willing to pay a king’s ransom to restore their locks when faced with the threat of baldness. 

However, a leap into surgical hair restoration is no easy feat and it’s good that you found your way here to apprise yourself on what to expect after a hair transplant. In this way, you are more equipped to manage the aftercare process.

Sitting is recommended

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Any trauma that results in a break in the skin’s integrity can result in swelling or edema on the affected area. It is a natural consequence of hair transplantation that occurs around 2-6 days after the operation. 

Due to gravity, swelling can go down to the eyelids, which in some cases can become so severe that you may be unable to open your eyes. This would result in bruising or a  “black eye” after a few days. Prolonged swelling can also increase the risk of complications and your absences from work due to an unaesthetic appearance.

Doctors use this table when objectively assessing and grading post-operative edema:

GRADE Description
Grade 0 No edema 
Grade I Upper forehead edema 
Grade II Upper and lower forehead edema
Grade III Periorbital edema 
Grade IV Black eyes


During the initial stages of recovery, maintaining an upright or semi-lying down position can help reduce the swelling faster. When sleeping you can elevate your head at a 45-degree angle using  two pillows. 

Other physical methods to reduce swelling include: 

  • The use of a firm headband
  • Application of adhesive tapes below the hairline
  • The use of ice packs or bags of frozen peas
  • Steroids (orally or intramuscularly)

A proactive approach to minimise the swelling helps improve healing time and will make it progress faster.

Pain is a possibility

It’s normal to feel sore days after surgery. Typically, the donor and recipient site will do well a week after surgery, but it is also true that nerves awaken and the fluid under the skin will relocate resulting in a throbbing discomfort.

Pain during and after hair transplant surgery is expected. It is managed by proper surgical technique and the use of pain medications. Factors that contribute to pain include:

  • Wide strip
  • Bleeding
  • Wound tension 
  • Large sessions with inadequate anaesthesia

FUE (follicular unit extraction) heals faster than FUT (follicular unit transplantation) because it is less invasive. The pain experienced after surgery also varies accordingly. It is normal to experience some mild pain in the area up to two weeks after surgery, especially with FUT. 

Generally, the pain will naturally decline days after the procedure. But if you notice its intensity increases, it is necessary that you report this immediately to your doctor for it could signal an infection especially if accompanied by redness, fever, and foul-smelling discharges.

Generally, the pain will naturally decline days after the procedure.

Post-operative instructions vary for each surgeon. A cold compress is the easiest way to manage pain at home. Some doctors also advise moderate massages to the donor region to help alleviate the pain and increase circulation which is vital for healing. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and analgesics are also prescribed to ease the pain. 

Shock loss

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As the name suggests, shock loss can leave some worried as their transplanted hairs begin to fall off after surgery. This is a temporary state of hair shedding after a hair restoration procedure. this is a normal response to scalp trauma. In a few weeks, new hairs will start growing in place. For some patients, this can be a big psychological blow and may seem like the surgery failed, but for others, this is a normal part of the recovery process.

There are certain factors that increase the severity of shock loss. FUE is more likely to result in transient hair loss in the donor area than FUT. However, if FUT uses large amounts of grafts at a time and the strip is not closed correctly, this can worsen the shock loss a patient experiences.

If you are experiencing shock loss, the hair typically begins to grow back around 2-4 months in the new growth cycle. Around 99% of shock loss cases are temporary with an average return time of three months. However, if the patient has miniaturized hairs on the area where the shock loss is happening, then that hair might not grow back. This is because miniaturized hairs are already on their way out and shock loss caused by trauma only speeds up the process.

Healing time varies

The healing time for a hair transplant surgery generally follows a certain timeline. However, it is also true that there is no hard and fast rule on how we recover. It is normal for some to heal much faster than others, while some may encounter problems along the way. These differences are either caused by your biological makeup, your post-operative aftercare technique, or the surgeon’s surgical technique and expertise.

Usually, patients would sport a full growth around the tenth or eleventh month after surgery. If you are growing as much as the next guy, know that there are other factors that may come into play. Don’t immediately raise up arms thinking that you have been short-changed. Full growth may take a year, while others might even start to notice it during the 24th month.

You might need more than one session

As mentioned earlier, every patient heals differently. This is the reason why some patients need more than one session. In these cases, the surgeon would assess the hair growth after the initial procedure, before deciding on whether a second one is necessary. This is part of the individualized care that can be expected from a reputable surgeon.

The extent of hair loss would also affect the number of sessions that you need to undergo. This is common in those who have extensive or an advanced form of hair loss. If you prefer an FUE procedure, this would usually require more than one session to achieve the desired result.

These secondary procedures may also be considered touch-ups to cover areas that may still be affected by the progressing hair loss. Therefore, some surgeons advise other patients against hair transplant too early on, as they prefer to perform the procedure after the hair loss has stabilized.

Risks are always involved

Every surgery comes with risks. Anything that involves a break in skin integrity means opening yourself up to a host of complications which can result in a poor outcome.

Post-Operative Complications in Hair Transplant Surgery
General Complications
  1. Syncope
  2. Itching
  3. Post-operative hiccup or cough
  4. Localised infection
Complications After FUT 
  1. Donor site wound dehiscence (strip wound opening up)
  2. Tissue death on the surgical site due to delayed wound healing or no healing at all
  3. Scarring
  4. Persistent pain 
  5. Hematoma (bruising)
  6. Suture extrusion
Complications After FUE
  1. Donor site depletion
  2. Pinpoint scarring
  3. Unusual discharges in surgical site
  4. Buried grafts
  5. Overharvesting
  6. Tissue death
  7. Subdermal cysts
  8. Keloid 


The good news is that the circumstances that surround these risks are all controllable. It comes down to preparing your body, choosing the right team, and never selling yourself cheap to dubious practices. The question is, are you willing to increase these risks or improve your chances for success? From there, you make the effort accordingly.

It’s not just your hair you restore!

Although this is not an assurance, a new hairline or an improved hair density is not the only possibility that you get out of the procedure. A hair transplant helps you regain confidence as well. The reason why success is not a certainty is that the result relies on several factors that all come into play. If you want to meet this expectation, you need to put in the effort to prepare for the procedure. When done properly, this surgical option can leave you with highly satisfying results.

A hair transplant helps you regain confidence

More people are opening up to a hair transplant now due to the advanced techniques and devices that increase your chances of getting a natural-looking result. If they like to be discreet about it, people can come out after recovery feeling more confident because studies show that most men can’t even notice a hair transplant.

Take these into consideration while you plan for your hair transplant. For advice on hair transplant in Sydney, talk to Dr. Daood of the Sydney Hair Transplant Clinic. Book your consultation today, here.

If you’re considering hair transplant surgery, contact us to map out your plan today.  Book a private consultation with Dr. Daood today.

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8 Receding Hairline Treatments in 2019

8 Receding Hairline Treatments in 2019

Is your hairline starting to look like a shoreline with an incoming low tide? If the amount of hair loss is getting obvious by the day, it is wise to act on it now if you plan to manage its progression. There are several receding hairline treatments that are available for you to use at present, all with their own approach to control excessive shedding and restore hair volume.

If you are looking for a way to address your follicular dilemma, then you must read this.

Hair Loss Facts

Hair loss doesn’t necessarily mean that you are experiencing a medical crisis. It is normal for us to lose hair every day. However, we don’t lose them in clumps, rather, we only shed around 50-100 hair strands each day. That may sound like a lot, but you’ll hardly even notice this at all. It’ s only when there is significant hair loss that it becomes apparent that hair density is thinning out, or it may be your hairline starting to recede.

Excessive hair loss is a multifactorial phenomenon. It could potentially stem from genetics, stress, medications, or certain conditions. In men, the usual culprit behind the problem is embedded in their DNA which results in a condition referred to as male androgenetic alopecia. This is true not only in older gentlemen, but even for younger men as well.

Androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness is caused by a hormone which triggers hair thinning and shedding. In some men, it may start in the middle portion of the scalp while it slowly increases in diameter. For others, it can start at the frontal hairline and it recedes backward.

Receding Hairline Treatments


Finasteride (Propecia) is an FDA-approved first-line treatment for male androgenetic alopecia. Originally indicated for enlarged prostates, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), it was later discovered that it can also trigger hair growth. However, it is only possible by using a fifth of the dose prescribed for prostate enlargement. The medication has shown reliable results in halting receding hairlines and restoring hair density.

Originally indicated for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), it was later discovered that Finasteride can also trigger hair growth.

However, the success is marred with threats of impotence, sexual dysfunction, and other untoward side effects. It may be able to save your locks, but it can also adversely affect your libido. Concern stems from the fact that medications must be taken regularly to maintain results. It has been reported that it is with long-term use that sexual side effects occur.  

Today, Propecia is still considered a safe and well-tolerated medication. Researchers are still pushing for further research to extensively evaluate if there are any unique characteristics that are present in affected individuals suffering from prolonged sexual dysfunction, and even depression, after using Propecia.

This potential side effect is an important matter for discussion between you and your doctor before treatment is started so you can be guided accordingly. Men with a history of oligospermia (low sperm count) or infertility are advised to avoid the drug, especially if you are planning to start a family soon.


Minoxidil is also a recognized treatment for a receding hairline or male pattern baldness. Originally used to treat hypertension, it was also observed that one of its side effects is increased hair growth. While this response is not fully understood, researchers believe that it stimulates blood flow and oxygen to the hair follicles that encourages hair to grow. Eventually, these results earned Minoxidil an FDA approval for male androgenetic alopecia.

Minoxidil is a topical treatment against receding hairlines or male pattern baldness.

Topical Minoxidil has been proven to be an effective treatment for hair loss; taking around six months to see results. However, the major factor to take into consideration when using minoxidil is your commitment to the product. It is best applied twice a day and it must be taken religiously otherwise its effects will revert if discontinued.

Proper application is also essential to ensure that it is thoroughly applied to the scalp. It must be sufficiently absorbed to deliver the treatment down to the hair follicles where it is needed the most. Make sure that your hair and scalp is cleaned thoroughly and dried prior to application. A clarifying shampoo helps remove buildup from excess oils and styling products.

The problem with minoxidil is that alcohol is the ingredient which allows the medication to penetrate the scalp. Alcohol-based products can dry the skin and scalp resulting in dandruff. You may need to use an anti-dandruff shampoo to counter this problem.


This treatment is generally recommended for the treatment of alopecia areata as well as other severe forms such as alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis. This medication comes in injectable, topical or oral form with an aim to prevent the immune system from attacking the hair follicles and encourage hair regrowth in patients suffering from alopecia.

Corticosteroid prevents the immune system from attacking the hair follicles and cause hair loss.

Steroid injections are best used on small patches of hair loss. The treatment may involve having several injections to deliver the solution directly to the scalp. This is also its drawback because patients must be subjected to it every few months as it is required in the administration of this drug. 

Topical steroids on the other hand are applied directly on the scalp surface. It is sold as a lotion, gel, or foam. This is an easier means of application with the type of corticosteroids delivered including, betamethasone, mometasone, and hydrocortisone. While they are convenient, it is important that a patient be mindful of the associated side effects with prolonged use, such as acne and thinning of the skin.

Steroid tablets are no longer recommended for the treatment alopecia because it was found that they pose serious side effects such as stomach ulcers and diabetes.

Laser Treatment

One of the hair loss treatments that is slowly making a mark in the market today is low-level laser hair treatment. With the movement towards non-invasive options, it’s no surprise that laser is gaining favor in a lot of hair loss victims. But how effective is it in delivering its promised results?

Low-level laser helps stimulate hair growth and it can also be an adjunct therapy to other hair loss treatments.

The use of laser in hair restoration should be taken with a grain of salt because it is not a definitive or a miracle treatment. There are several factors that must be taken into consideration such as the extent of hair loss, the treatment that it is concurrently used with, and the type of hair loss that you are suffering from.

In a recent study, it was shown that laser treatment created a significant improvement in patients with androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness). With some slight variety in data, some studies showed that low-level laser treatment is effective when combined with topical minoxidil. However, when compared to the results of a hair transplant, the latter provides a faster and more dramatic change.

Hair Transplant

hair transplant procedure is considered the last resort in hair restoration because of its invasive nature. It is for this reason and the accompanying cost that makes proper advice and planning is necessary to ensure positive results. 

Surgical hair restoration comes in two different approaches, the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). FUT is the traditional method which involves the creation of a linear incision that runs across the back of the scalp to remove a piece of the scalp containing the donor hairs. Meanwhile, the FUE method is less invasive because it only involves the removal of the donor grafts directly on the scalp using a special tool. It is less traumatic to the scalp and it doesn’t result in obvious scars, however it may be pricier.

Proper advice and planning are necessary to help ensure a positive outcome with Hair Transplant surgery. 

Hair transplant price vary for each individual, and it depends on the following:

  • The area of hair loss that must be covered
  • The type of technique used
  • The country, region, or clinic where you will have your hair transplant done
  • The doctor who performs the procedure
  • The type of procedure (whether if it is a primary procedure or a repair)

Hair transplant surgery has been hailed a reliable solution in restoring hair loss. It may come with risks inherent to its surgical nature, but this can be significantly lessened when you have it done by reputable and certified surgeons. It gives you the volume and coverage that comes out natural-looking. Therefore, despite its cost, many are considering this treatment.

Start by getting the help that you need today from someone who is on the same page as you. Book your consultation today and ask Dr Daood of the Sydney Hair Transplant Clinic your burning hair transplant questions.

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7 Ways You To Ensure Hair Loss Treatment Success

7 Ways You To Ensure Hair Loss Treatment Success

What are the odds of men losing their hair as they age?

It varies—but like a lot of things, this will depend on a lot of factors. Genes can play a role but so does lifestyle. While most men experience hair loss around the age of 30, some can experience it as early as their 20s.

What’s common among those who suffer from male pattern baldness though is that symptoms of gradual hair loss can be hard to notice. So in a lot of cases, they don’t even notice until nearly half their hair is gone. Thankfully, hair transplant surgery has a respectable number of successful cases that it has earned a reputation for being a reliable solution for hair loss.

The complexity and demand for high surgical competency for this procedure means the process can be a little costly. But as far as hair loss remedies go, it’s an investment that definitely pays off. Knowing this, you want to make sure that you consider these key factors to ensure hair loss treatment success—

1. Take the time to find a good surgeon

Finding a surgeon is a like looking for a champion.

There are several hair transplant surgeons in Sydney alone, but not everyone may have the same vision you have in mind. Therefore, it pays to have someone who completely understands your aesthetic; someone who is open to answer all your questions, and someone who listens carefully to your goals and expectations.

Achieving all this means you need to make the effort to find a professional whose approach can address your concerns. Essentially, he should be able to champion your objectives, take the approach you’re comfortable with, and provide you with the care you want to be given throughout the whole process.

Don’t just take their word for it as well. Make sure you look at hard evidence to back up everything that is being said. Proof may come as the following:


Remember that you are not only looking for a surgeon, but a hair transplant surgeon. Cosmetic surgery may be considered the “wild west” of medicine with less than qualified doctors coming in, but you can always outsmart the system. Turn on your inner sleuth and look at all the sources available to you – be it through word-of-mouth, print, or online. You may check the ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) website to check the doctor’s background, his years of experience, and affiliations.

Board Certification

To earn these certifications, one must pass written and oral examinations to be considered. This is only open to surgeons who have performed a certain number of hair transplants, show proof of their training, and can provide evidence of their caseloads. It is also important that a doctor regularly attends conferences to be updated about the advances in his field. This is also a reflection of their commitment to education, ongoing training, and constant improvement in their specialty.


Experience would tell you for how long the doctor has been in practice and if he consistently delivers reliable results. Specifically ask about his experience in performing hair transplants and not just the mere practice in medicine. His experience in the types of hair transplant approach (FUT or FUE) he uses is also vital information to clarify, especially if you are particular about the level of invasiveness.


Checking a hair transplant surgeon’s previous work should be an important part of your research process. Don’t hesitate to ask for before and after photos from the doctor you are considering. If possible, try to ask if you can meet some of his previous patients in person. Being able to personally assess the result of a past patient allows you a better picture of the surgeon’s quality of work.

2. Avoid the “Yes Man”

It’s definitely comforting to have a medical team that understands your concerns—especially if you’re looking to find a solution to a long-standing aesthetic problem. But don’t let your need to find a solution let you overlook the fact that when it comes to hair transplant surgery, there are lot more considerations that just finding a doctor that says yes to what you want.

There are cases where a hair transplant isn’t the best choice for you and a good medical team should be upfront about that fact. For example, some patients may want to fill in bald areas, but if filling in bald areas will only create an unnatural appearance as natural hair loss progresses, a reliable team should inform them about it. Remember, your hair transplant surgeon is your champion, and he should be able to hold that position even if it meant saying no.

3. Be wary of shadow surgeries

The rise of hair transplant surgeries today, has prompted an increase of shadow surgeries.

Shadow surgeries are procedures that are performed by a technician instead of an actual doctor. Patients meet and consult with a doctor, but the actual procedure is delegated. Note however that institutions like ISHRS still recommend hair transplants to be conducted by the actual doctor; so be sure to ask about this and discuss it with your medical team.

4. Don’t fall for the sales pitch

Ethical practice is something that some shady practitioners simply choose to ignore. Be wary of clinics who rely on aggressive sales and advertising techniques to push you into signing up for a surgery that most surgeons would otherwise think is dangerous or inappropriate.

5. Take the time to search for reputable clinics

When looking for a reputable clinic, be sure to keep a good eye out for red flags. This process starts from your Internet search and lead right down to your actual consultation. Be wary about the following:

  • False claims and advertising, like pain-free procedures.
  • Limited understanding of medical conditions that may have caused your baldness.
  • Clinics that don’t specialize solely on hair restoration and dabble on other procedures.
  • Inability of the actual doctor to sit down and meet with you.
  • Clinics that feel like procedures follow a production line where all patients receive a cookie-cutter solution.

6. Refusing to take the extra steps to see if you are a suitable candidate

Clients often send photos seeking  opinion or advice. However, photos alone are not enough to assess if you would be a “good” candidate for hair transplant surgery. It is important that you see a doctor in person. A personal consultation allows the surgeon to closely inspect your hair and give advice on which appropriate blood tests should be taken to check the root cause of your hair loss.

The fact that you are losing hair doesn’t automatically earn you a spot on the operating table. Prudence dictates that a patient should not be allowed to undergo the surgery if several factors show that you’re not a suitable candidate.

7. Don’t just base it on cost

Looking for the best value for your money is always wise, however, being constantly on the hunt for a bargain might place you in a precarious situation.

It’s always important to see what the standard rates are in your area. This gives you the baseline that allows you to assess the cost of your investment. But cost should always be considered in the context of quality. So be sure to read the fine print and study the more technical details.

We hope that you take these reminders into account during your consultation. Your hair restoration journey, should you choose surgery, is one that should be taken with the proper precautions to ensure success.

With that said–what other concerns do you have about this procedure? Give us a call and ask away. And if you want to make sure that you’re on the right track for success in your surgical hair restoration journey, be sure to get in touch with us.
If you have any further questions about where your money gets transplanted during hair transplant procedures, you can ask Dr. Daood of the Sydney Hair Transplant Clinic.

Book your Private Consultation

If you are considering FUE or FUT Hair Transplant surgery please contact us for further information on pricing and procedural information.

To book a private consultation today with Dr. Daood call 1300 656 236.

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5 Ways to Make Your Hair Transplant Scar Less Obvious

Both methods of surgical hair restoration (FUT or FUE) carry a risk of forming a hair transplant scar. While our aim is to create natural-looking results without any of the obvious signs of surgical intervention, is a reality that waits on you at the end. However, that is not a sentence because there are several ways to conceal the scars better. Here are five ways that can help you do it.

What Type of Hair Transplant Scarring Should You Expect?

The type and extent of scarring will depend on the hair transplant method you choose.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUT), which is also called the “strip method” is the more invasive approach in donor hair removal. It involves a linear scar at the back of the head from which a piece of scalp, containing the donor hairs, is removed. Meanwhile, in a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), multiple dot-shaped scars are left from which donor grafts are removed using a punch-like instrument.

The type of hairstyle a patient prefers will determine the approach that will be most suitable for them. For example, if a client prefers to wear their hair very short, he might choose FUE because the small circular scars are spread out across the donor area and are smaller in size making them less visible – or they are less likely to be noticed.

Since a hair transplant scar is possible with any surgical intervention to address hair loss, here are 5 ways to make the problem less visible.

1. Make Your Aesthetic Preferences Clear with Your Surgeon

A hair transplant procedure is largely done for cosmetic purposes. It is for this reason that you should express to your surgeon what your aesthetic preferences are. Realistically, scars will be inevitable, but there are different methods a surgeon can do to make the outcome suitable for you.

One way to minimize scarring is the tricophytic closure. It is an advanced surgical method that allows the scalp to heal tightly leaving it with the thinnest linear scar possible. Once the flaps of the scalp are closed, the two sides are held together with surgical staples for 14 days while it heals. After the staples are removed, what is left is a thin white line which will be barely perceptible. A tricophytic closure attempts to allow the hairs to grow directly through the scar line.

If you are serious about keeping your hair transplant surgery a secret, this will be a good method to discuss with your surgeon during your consultation.

2. Follow Proper Post-Operative Care for the Surgical Site

Patients can do several things after the surgery to optimize the appearance of scars. One of the basic, but most important, reminder is to keep the incisions clean. This is a cardinal rule in proper wound care which can save you from several potential problems that might worsen the appearance of a hair transplant scar. One of these problems that you should be wary about is infection. Prolonged wound closure due to an infected surgical site will most likely result in poor wound healing. Therefore follow proper wound care and ensure that you take the entire course of antibiotic that was prescribed to you.

You should also avoid exposing the surgical area to tension/pressure. This may cause the flaps to heal poorly or uniformly. Therefore, avoid bending over or carrying a heavy load to avoid disrupting the integrity of the skin any further.

It is also wise to minimize sun exposure while the incisions heal. Since the skin in these areas will be more delicate as it heals, premature and prolonged exposure to the sun will make the scars more prone to darkening.

3. Be More Flexible in Choosing Hairstyles

Since the donor hairs are often found at the back portion of the head, specifically at the lower area of the scalp, the scar will be easily visible for those who will wear their hair short. The easiest way to conceal a scar would be to grow your hair just a few centimeters longer. Even with the more inconspicuous FUE scars, the tiny dot-like remnants will still be visible if you buzz all your hair off. Your efforts to make surgical scars less obvious may call on some minor hairstyle adjustments, only if you are open to it. It will be the fastest, easiest, and less expensive way that will do the trick.

4. Scalp Micropigmentation

If you have the extra buck to spare, scalp mircropigmentation (SMP) is a reliable method to camouflage hair transplant scars. It can disguise both linear strip scars as well as FUE scars. This procedure is appropriate only in scars that are flat. If the scars are raised (particularly in FUT scar repair) and are looking like they are forming to be keloid scars, additional treatment is needed to flatten it before SMP can be done.

SMP has been lauded by many to do a terrific job in concealing scars. But, there are very few practitioners that can provide you with quality service. Some may leave it looking like a black blotchy mark that only makes the appearance of the scar worse.

If you are thinking of getting it at a much cheaper price at a tattoo parlor, then you better think twice because this is a permanent process that you must get right the first time.

5. Steroid Injections

As mentioned earlier, raised scars can be flattened with additional treatment, and this is through steroid injections. Doctors use steroid injections to induce shrinking, flattening, and fading of hypertrophic (raised or keloid-type) scars. There are clinical studies that has proven the efficacy of steroid injections for this type of scar. It works mainly by decreasing collagen synthesis and reducing the inflammatory phase of wound healing. As a structural protein, collagen is formed at the site of the wound to mend or seal it. The problem is when the body produce too much collagen which results in a raised and discolored scar. Steroid injections inhibit collagen synthesis thereby preventing raised scar formation.

This treatment scalp scar revision, however, should be taken with a grain of salt. It is not faultless because it also comes with side effects and complications. The efficacy of steroid injections can also be unpredictable, and it is not known to work on older scars. This treatment should also be discussed thoroughly with your surgeon during the consultation.

Surgeons have their own approach to hair transplant or even scar treatment, and the best way to know if fits perfectly with your goals is to go for a personal consultation.

Get advised today and learn how you can best prepare against scarring beforehand. For more information about the procedure, the hair transplant price in Sydney, or how to improve your chances for surgical success book your consultation at the Sydney Hair Transplant clinic today.

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Hair Loss Is Yours Genetic or a Thyroid Problem

Hair Loss: Is Yours Genetic or a Thyroid Problem?

Hair cells are some of the fastest growing cells in our body. However, for some people, it doesn’t grow fast enough leaving them bald after a certain age. Do we have genes to blame for this phenomenon or can it be thyroid hair loss? Let’s take a closer look and differentiate these two potential causes.


Why is this an important topic for conversation?


It is to understand the hair loss problem better and the type of treatment that is appropriate. You don’t want to shell thousands on hair transplant cost when your condition only needs pharmacological intervention. It does pay to be aware, and it will save you from a lot of frustration and wasted effort.


Androgenetic Alopecia


Androgenetic alopecia (AGA), commonly known as female or male pattern baldness, is a condition characterized by a progressive hair loss, especially of the scalp hair. It comes with distinctive patterns in women versus that of men, but in both genders, the scalp hair is the area that is severely affected. Over time, the hairline recedes forming a characteristic “M” shape. In some cases hair thinning may also start at the crown (the top portion of the head), progressing to partial to complete baldness. However, this condition rarely leads to total baldness in women.




Research found that this kind of hair loss is related to hormones, particularly an androgen called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a more potent form of testosterone. Androgens play an important role for normal sexual development in males before birth and during puberty. These hormones also holds important functions in both sexes, such as regulating hair growth and sex drive.


DHT has many roles too, such as the development of the penis and prostate gland. This is why it is also linked to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or prostate enlargement, and prostate cancer.


In men, the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase (5-AR) converts testosterone into DHT in the testes and prostate. Up to 10 percent of testosterone is converted into DHT under normal conditions. However, when things go awry and DHT formation goes overboard, is when the hair starts to get affected. Increased levels of androgens in the hair follicles can lead to a shorter hair growth cycle. It stunts its growth and it creates thinner strands. Additionally, there is also a delay in the growth of new hair to replace those that have shed.


In men, androgenetic alopecia can start as early as a person’s teens and the risk increases with age. In women, this kind of hair loss is most likely to occur after menopause.




You will notice more hairs fall on the pillow, the shower, or on your comb. However, when checking these symptoms you must take other factors into consideration because there are other reasons why people lose more hair than usual, such as childbirth, medications, or a serious illness.


In men, hair loss usually starts at the temples and the crown. It then progresses in an M-shaped pattern. In advanced stages, only a small rim of hair that lines the side and back of the scalp remains. In women, hair loss tends to be more diffused and better hidden. It affects the top of the head and down the middle, while the hairs along the temples and forehead remains normal.




Androgenetic alopecia is usually diagnosed by its pattern and history of a similar type of hair loss affecting family members. A thorough and standardized diagnostic approach is an essential step in developing a successful therapeutic concept.




Hair loss of this nature has the following treatments:

  • Medications

Minoxidil (Rogaine) or Finasteride (Propecia) are the two popular medications that prevent hair loss and promote new hair growth. However, this effect can be quite unpredictable from one person to the next.

  • Scalp Reduction

This procedure involves the surgical removal of strips of bald skin to decrease the size of a bald spot.

  • Hair Flaps

Using a strip of skin which contains good hair growth, it is excised from a less cosmetically important area to a more prominent one like the head. This has been considered an outdated hair restoration method because it can result in permanent shock loss (loss of some or a significant amount of existing hair) and extreme scarring.

  • Hair Transplants

A hair transplant procedure is considered the last resort in hair restoration. There are two different approaches to this treatment and these are, the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). FUT is more invasive and more prone to scarring because it involves incisions to remove a piece of scalp which contains the donor hairs. FUE, on the other hand, is less invasive because it uses a punch tool to remove the grafts directly from the scalp. These techniques can harvest a number of grafts that could go by the thousands, making it a time-consuming process, but often a successful one at best.


One thing worth noting about androgenetic alopecia is that it is progressive and it creates permanent results. Treatments would either have to be maintained or it has to give long-lasting results like what you can get out of a hair transplant.


Thyroid Hair Loss


The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland that is positioned in front of the lower neck. It lies along the front of the windpipe and just below the Adam’s apple. Such a small body part plays an important role by producing various hormones that are released into the bloodstream and  responsible for different body functions.


Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overproduction of thyroid hormones) are just two of the different thyroid diseases. Severe and prolonged hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can eventually cause hair loss. It can affect the entire scalp with the scalp hair becoming uniformly sparse. However, thyroid hair loss can only become apparent several months after the onset of the disease itself.




The best way to address thyroid hair loss is to look at the root cause of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. With proper diagnosis, an appropriate treatment can be provided, which will ultimately address the hair loss issue.


  • Hyperthyroidism

The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is the autoimmune disorder Grave’s disease. It is where the body makes an antibody called thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) that causes the thyroid gland to make too much thyroid hormone. This disease runs in families and it is more common in women who also display a significant amount of hair loss.


Toxic nodular or multinodular goiter can also result in hyperthyroidism, where nodules or lumps cause the thyroid hormone to produce excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. High iodine consumption and Thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland) can also result in the same problem.  


  • Hypothyroidism 

Different causes behind hypothyroidism include autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis), hyperthyroidism treatment, thyroid surgery (the partial or total removal can halt or diminish hormone production), Radiation therapy, and medications.


In lesser instances, hypothyroidism can be caused by a pituitary disorder, a congenital disease (a defective thyroid or no thyroid gland), pregnancy, and iodine deficiency.




With hyperthyroidism diagnosis can be confirmed through blood tests that measure the levels of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) in the blood.A diagnosis for hypothyroidism is done along with routine annual physical examinations since this is mostly common among older women. The same blood test will also be done because this can determine a condition called subclinical hypothyroidism which usually doesn’t have any obvious signs and symptoms, so, it may not necessarily reflect on your hair.




One thing promising about thyroid hair loss is that it is temporary. You have to address the thyroid problem to fix the accompanying symptoms.


Hyperthyroidism can be treated using anti-thyroid drugs (methimazole and propylthiouracil), radioactive iodine treatment, and the surgical removal of gland. However, there are rare cases where anti-thyroid drugs, such as carbimazole and propylthiouracil can cause diffuse hair loss. Hence, it can be difficult to tell whether the hair loss is due to the effects of the thyroid overactivity or anti-thyroid drugs. There is a high probability that anti-thyroid drugs are not the cause and you can find other alternative treatments while you sort it out. Radioiodine is one treatment that does not cause hair loss.


For hypothyroidism, the standard treatment involves the daily use of synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine (Levothroid, Synthroid, etc).


So, whether the cause of your hair loss is genetic or as a result of a disease process, the most important step is proper diagnosis. Androgenetic alopecia is a progressive condition that lead to permanent baldness, while thyroid hair loss is reversible with proper treatment of the underlying causes.


If you are unsure of the kind of hair loss you are experiencing now, talk to your GP or approach a hair loss expert right away so you can already undergo the proper diagnostic tests. The earlier you address the problem, the better your chances with hair restoration.


For more questions, talk to Dr. Daood today of the Sydney Hair Transplant Clinic.


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Are You Too Young for a Hair Transplant

Are You Too Young for a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is not an easy decision when you are desperately seeking solutions for your hair loss. Yes, it is one promising treatment, but you don’t necessarily get desired results when deciding on a whim. One of the major factors that must be considered first is your age. Read and learn why the right number matters.

The key in determining good candidates for hair transplant surgery is estimating how the patient’s hair loss pattern might progress. Since male hair loss also affects young men, those in their early twenties are often left embarrassed, unhappy, and desperate that they search for quick fixes.
So, is hair loss really the end all and be all in these cases?

The answer, for now, is no.

Hair Loss Progression

In order to understand the rationale behind advising young men against opting for hair transplant straightaway is to know the progression of hair loss.

It doesn’t take rocket science to realize that hair loss is a progressive condition. It can leave a man completely bald, or it can result in a certain shape hence the term male pattern baldness. Hairs don’t shed overnight, rather it takes its time, sometimes thinning out first before it falls off.

When the effects of hair loss start to become obvious, those affected would often want to look good now. It is only understandable especially for men in their 20s when it is supposedly the prime of their life and you should be sporting youthful features. Aside from their own issues about it, some find it affecting their dating life or their career.
The distress that occurs over losing one’s hair is legitimate and it shouldn’t be brushed aside. But it also shouldn’t be done without careful consideration of one’s age.

Age Matters

Surgeons definitely proceed with caution before approving a candidate who is under the age of 18, or even those who are in their early 20s. It is in rare cases when teenage hair loss patients who wish to undergo the procedure are carefully vetted first before being approved – if they are approved at all.

For best results, it is advised that you wait until the hair loss process has slowed down or stabilized before undergoing a hair transplant. If you jump right into surgery, it’s still too early in the hair loss process to predict the pattern that your hair loss would take. As a result, your transplant may end up looking unnatural as you lose more hair. The transplanted hair will look luscious and would grow with vigor, while the surrounding areas will continue to get thinner.

Other Options

Surgeons commonly advise patients to stabilize their hair loss first using medical management before even considering surgical hair restoration. Two of the mainstays for male pattern hair loss management are topical and oral medications. These two are well-studied medications for male hair loss and they have been proven to be effective as well.

There are also newer options available in the market today such as light therapy, protein-rich plasma injections, etc. Once the hair loss has become stable, then one can consider having surgical hair restoration.

There are some surgeons who may provide a minor hair transplant to provide some density at the hairline with the understanding that you will likely need additional treatment in the future as your hair loss progresses.

The Right Age

It is the responsibility of surgeons to guide patients with their own anxieties. It is the ethical practice that they give them the hard facts instead of just simply going with what the patient wants but sacrificing aesthetic outcome in the future. Also, you wouldn’t want to risk using donor hairs which are of a very limited supply.

The improvements and increased reliability of hair transplant surgery might have exploded its popularity today, this could mean that patients are undergoing surgery when it isn’t really for their best interest. It could leave these patients disappointed five to ten years later when they are left with poorly-designed hairlines with very little consideration for a natural look.

Most hair transplant surgeons agree that the minimum age for a hair transplant is 25 and the ideal age is 40 and above. At 25 the surgeons have some idea as to how the hair loss is progressing and what can be done to approach it surgically.

Young, desperate and anxious patients are vulnerable and could jump at any easy solution. But having read this information, we hope that you now see the bigger reason behind the right age for hair transplant surgery. Look ahead instead of rushing into it today as inappropriate surgery could have you living to regret it.

Trust a hair transplant surgeon who is knowledgeable in hair loss for more information that is specific to your concerns. It doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything about your hair loss today. Book your consultation at the Sydney Hair Transplant and let Dr. Daood and his team help you.

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Top 5 Factors that Increases Your Risk for Hair Loss

Top 5 Factors that Increases Your Risk for Hair Loss

Are you wondering what in the world is causing your hair loss? You might be at a point where you find yourself alarmed at the amount of hair that’s been shedding, or the senseless exodus when you believe that you have been every inch the health buff. However, like an unraveling mystery, or bodies can sometimes surprise us. Here are 5 of the top reasons that would make you a potential hair loss victim.


It has always been an erroneous belief that the hair loss gene hailed from the maternal side of the family. While it is true that the genetic factor for baldness is carried by the X chromosome, which you get from your mom, it is not necessarily true that it is the sole culprit. Genetic hair loss, or male/female pattern baldness, can also be passed down by the paternal genes.

Based on research, this form of hair loss is attributed to a particular androgen or male hormone. This androgen, which is tagged to be the main culprit for hair loss, is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is not to say that this particular hormone is bad in and of itself, as it also provides a number of important functions for the body like the development of the male genitalia in the womb.

Hair loss occurs when DHT attaches to androgen receptors on hair follicles which then triggers the receptors to start miniaturization process. Eventually, the hairs affected sheds off resulting in bald patches which that takes on certain shape hence the term “pattern baldness”. Experts have yet to fully understand why the effects of DHT are more profound in some individuals compared to others. However certain possible factors that have been pointed out include:

  • Increased local DHT production
  • Increased DHT receptors
  • Increased sensitivity of the androgen receptor
  • Increased amount of circulating testosterone which is a DHT precursor


We often associate hair loss with old age, however, if you look at the trend this is not necessarily the case. There are a lot of hair loss sufferers who lose their locks and even end up bald, at an early age. Although, age-related hair loss is mostly experienced by individuals who are in their twilight years due to the gradual decline of the structures.

If you look at the progression of hair loss, it is usually in the late twenties to the mid-thirties that changes in the overall appearance and density of the hairs start. Pattern hair loss at a younger age has not yet fully revealed since it may still advance over the years. This is a key consideration for individuals who will be considering a hair transplant.

In the event that an elective surgery is done at an early age, future surgeries might have to be done to maintain the natural appearance. It is for this reason that you should be properly advised by a certified and experienced surgeon because procedures done too early may have to be surgically corrected.

Read: Why Are Young Men Losing Hair Early

Disease or Illness

Certain conditions can result in hair loss, such as thyroid diseases (hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism), ringworm of the scalp, or Systemic lupus erythematosus. Hair loss is only incidental to the condition due to the depletion of certain nutrients in the body or hormonal shifts.

The common symptoms of thyroid problems in include scattered hair loss and this is true for both an underactive and overactive thyroid. Fortunately, the hair loss caused by this condition can be reversed with proper treatment.

Ringworm is a fungal infection that when left untreated will result in permanent scarring. Severe infections will still result in patches of hair loss even after treatment has been done.

A more serious condition associated with hair loss is lupus, an autoimmune condition which destroys the hair follicles. Furthermore, the medicines used can also trigger more hair shedding. To manage the problem suggestions include, wigs, hair wraps, hair extensions, or a hair transplant.

Other health problems with hair loss as presenting symptoms include heavy metal poisoning, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, late-stage syphilis, HIV and any severe ongoing or chronic illness. 

Medicines and medical treatments

Medications may be formulated to provide therapeutic effects, however, it is also inherent in their chemical makeup that they also pose a certain risk. This effect is a result of the interference of the normal hair growth cycle resulting in two types of hair loss, Telogen effluvium, and Anagen Effluvium. The list of medications that cause this problem include:

  • Anticoagulants
  • Large doses of Vitamin A
  • Beta-Blockers
  • Antidepressants
  • Gout Medications
  • ACE (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme) Inhibitors
  • Male and Female hormones

Medical treatments like Chemotherapy or dialysis may also result in hair changes which may eventually lead to hair loss. This is a reaction to malnutrition or the side effects of the medications used which leaves the patient immunocompromised. Fortunately, this type of hair loss is reversible once the course of treatment is finished.

Hair care and styling

The way you style your hair can pose a negative effect on the entire structure, especially if you wear it for prolonged periods of time. This is referred to as traction alopecia, caused by the strong amount of pressure applied on the roots of the hair follicles. Studies show that this is common among African-American hairstyles which tend to be scalp-pulling, similar to the tension created by weaves and extensions.

Read: Top-Knots and Man Buns: Hairstyles that Lead to Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss is a multifactorial phenomenon which has to be scrutinized more carefully if you are serious about getting the proper treatment and the likelihood of it being effective. To this effect, it is important that you find a good hair loss expert or surgeon, to guide you through the process of restoration.

If you have more questions, feel free to drop Sydney Hair Transplant Clinic a message.

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When Should You Be Alarmed About Hair Loss

When Should You Be Alarmed About Hair Loss?

Losing hair is not a death sentence. However, some react to it like its an apocalypse that just pretty much puts a period in their life. The reality is you don’t have to break out in hives the moment you lose a strand or two. What is important is that you get the facts straight so you don’t lose hair over all the unnecessary stress.

Your Hair at a Glance

Your hair is actually a very interesting part of your body that holds a lot of unique characteristics. One that most people don’t know is the fact that most of the structure that you see is actually dead. The length of your hair that grows out of your scalp is actually made up of dead cells, and the only part that thrives is the one hidden behind your scalp, or the roots.

Aside from bone marrow, it is also one of the fastest growing tissue in the body. It can grow anywhere in the body with the exception of the eyelids, lips, hands, palm of the hands, the soles of the feet and the mucus membranes. At any given time about 90% of the hairs on your scalp are growing, while the other 10% are resting. The latter explains why you experience falling hairs.

When Does Ordinary Hair Fall Differ From Excessive Hair Loss?

Daily hair loss is a normal phenomenon that stems from the hair’s resting phase. You lose around 50-100 hairs a day, most of the time, without you knowing it! So if you see a few strands on your brush, It doesn’t mean you’re going bald. Balding only begins to be apparent when you lose 50% of the hairs on your scalp.

Ordinary hair fall is actually a normal process that allows your hair to bring in a new and healthy strand in its place. A single hair has a lifespan of five years, so you expect to be losing a number every day since each strand grow at different paces.

What is also important is that you also need to be keen when something already goes awry – like in the instance of excessive hair loss.

Hair usually show signs of deterioration before you finally notice thinning on certain areas of the scalp, or it could come in a diffuse manner. In cases where a person could be affected by androgenetic alopecia (male/female pattern baldness), thyroid conditions, or certain medications and therapy, what happens on the inside is that the hair follicle gradually shrinks. This makes it unable to grow new hair, eventually this leads to hair shedding, and ultimately results in baldness.

hair loss sydney

Photo Source: 123RF

Not everybody is at risk, so that’s a sigh of relief. However, for those who are genetically predisposed, this can be a real challenge. Meanwhile, for people who lose their hair due to medications or certain therapeutic treatment, they may lose it temporarily but they eventually grow it back.

How Do You Respond to Hair Loss?

In dealing with the usual hair fall

Your normal hair loss, as mentioned earlier, should not be a cause for concern. However, you can keep it to a minimum by ensuring that you nourish and care for your hair well.  Giving it the right vitamins and minerals will strengthen the structure making them less prone to breakage. On the outside, you should avoid stressing it out by poor hairstyle choices and excessive product use. When you learn to keep the balance, then you significantly lessen hair fall.

In overcoming pattern baldness

If your DNA is already coded with hair loss, it doesn’t mean that you are a lost cause. When you treat it early, you will be able to hold on to those strands better and protect the remaining ones from succumbing to your genetic predisposition.

There is a range of treatments available for such cases. You can go for maintenance medications, but it should be taken with a doctor’s advise and supervision. You may also try laser therapy to help initiate hair growth, or you could take a drastic step towards hair transplant surgery, just as long as you avoid unappealing comb-overs.

In having to content with temporary hair loss due to medications and treatment

Thyroid disease and chemotherapy are among the reasons why a person can lose excessive amounts of hair to the point of balding, albeit being temporary. For thyroid disorders, the hair will be characteristically thin and a person will also experience thinning on the scalp. When you get the proper treatment, you can reduce the reaction significantly. However, realistically speaking, your hair will not be as voluminous as you would wish it to be. Celebrities like Wendy Williams share this struggle, but she deals with it stylishly by wearing wigs.

Chemotherapy, on the other hand, will cause a person to experience severe hair thinning and hair fall. Once the entire course of treatment is finished, a person will eventually grow their hair back, although the quality may not be the same prior to chemo.

Hair shedding shouldn’t be an end all and be all that would have you settling for a life of being hairless. The earlier you detect it, and when you know the exact causes, you can prevent the possibility of going bald. The best course of action is to act quickly. When there is significant amount of hair already falling off, go to your doctor right away.

It is only when a prompt diagnosis is made that you reduce your chances of a full blown hair exodus from your scalp. Be keen on the signs, and act accordingly.

If you have more questions, or if you see that you already need professional advise with your hair fall problem, come talk to us. Let’s talk and see what can be done. Send us your questions or book your consultation here.

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Superfoods for Hair Loss: Eat your way to hair regrowth


You don’t have to blame entirely your parents for your thinning mane. It turns out, it is not only genetics—our diet and certain lifestyle choices can also tell whether we’re down the balding road or not.

According to the International Hair Restoration Society, people who are tied to typical eating patterns or married to restrictive diets may have a higher risk of hair loss. This is because these kinds of diet do not guarantee the presence or right amount of essential nutrients such as Zinc, protein, Biotin, and iron which are crucial to maintaining healthy hair follicles so hair growth occurs.

Thankfully, nutritionists and hair loss researchers have teamed up to list down ‘superfoods’ that alleviate and prevent hair loss. What’s more surprising is, you don’t need to make your way to a specialty store to stock-up these nutrient-packed munchies! You may even have them in an arm’s reach.

Let’s have a closer look at how ‘super’ these food items are when it comes to treating and regrowing your thinning mane:



On your next trip to the grocery store, stroll to the vegetable section for a bag of spinach. Spinach, not only Popeye’s go-to food to bulk up but also can be your go-to superfood to load up nutrients for your hair follicles.

According to the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, spinach is listed as one of the remedies to treat alopecia. It is rich in iron, protein, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin C which enables the body to balance out hormones and to produce essential oils in the scalp. These natural oils condition the scalp which eventually lead to increase hair growth.


Sunflower (Oil & Seeds)

Those pretty sunflowers are not just there to light up your Tuscan-themed brunches but they also work wonders for inducing hair growth. You may want to start to stock up a bag of sunflower seeds and a bottle of sunflower oil. Did you know that sunflowers seeds are rich in Zinc, vitamin E, oleic acid and vitamin B6? These nutrients strengthen your hair strands and improve oxygen and blood flow while sunflower oil’s emollient properties condition the scalp, making it a viable environment for your tresses to grow.

There’s something to remember, though. If you’re using its oils for cooking or garnish, be careful with the amount that you put in because as much as it is celebrated for its heart-friendly fats—the monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, it contains a hefty amount of calories. A tablespoon alone has 184 calories. Just like other healthy fat sources, like avocado or virgin coconut oil, it should be used in moderation to reap up the benefits without setting yourself up for unwanted weight gain.



Your locks may want to thank those early morning sunny-side-ups and tasty quiches.  Did you know that our hair is made up protein fibers called Keratin? The nutrients found in egg, mainly protein, Sulphur, Zinc, and vitamin E bring back the health from the roots of your strands, making it possible for a healthier regrowth.


Fortunately, according to the Dietitians Association of Australia, a typical Aussie diet is basically protein-packed.  However, Aussies still needs to be careful on choosing their protein sources as others have are burdened with saturated fats. And these are our least favorite type of fats, right?


Black Raisins

If you are suffering from hair loss, you might be iron-deficient. Iron is vital for hair health and growth because it helps in the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the red protein which assists the delivery of oxygen throughout the body. Moreover, having a good circulation is crucial to stimulate our hair follicles and encourage hair growth.

Aside from other nutrients such as calcium, vitamin K, magnesium, and anti-oxidant properties, iron can also be found in black raisins. A small box of raisins contains 0.8 milligrams of Iron. According to, women are recommended to consume 18 milligrams of iron daily while men should have at least 8 milligrams. Healthline also noted that because of this higher iron requirement, women may have higher risks of being iron-deficient than men.

Adding these black iron gems in your diet can positively affect not only your tresses but your health in general as well. Why not have it as a snack or as toppings for your baked goodies? Weight-watchers do not need to worry, black raisins don’t raise a red flag as a mere box contains low-fat content—as the perfect post-workout snack!


There you go. These are some of what you want to be adding to your list the next time you stroll to the supermarket. Moreover, these foods are versatile ingredients, thus, they would perfectly complement the recipes you’re already used to.

Although these hair superfoods may be one of the answers, there’s no really definite time when to see our desired results because each hair loss case is different and other lifestyle factors may be playing out as well. It may take some time to restore hair’s natural cycle before you can finally bring back your ‘crowning glory’. For some, it would take years. But don’t lose hope! What some people do is, they complement their nutrient-rich diet efforts with exploring other hair loss solutions such as medications and hair transplants.

Each of the available hair loss solutions has its own pros and cons. However, based on the recent statistics, hair transplants seem to be the choice of the many to address what seems like a perennial problem.

The 2015 data from the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery reported 1,055,480 patients who have undergone hair restoration procedures, lording over the figures of the year 2006 with 645,281 patients.

Behind every successful transplant procedure is a careful assessment of the root cause of the problem and the right treatment for it. The nature of our scalp, our hair follicles, diet, lifestyle and our biological reaction to certain substances are different. This is why it really pays to never cut corners and treat our problem as special from others. Reputable and competent surgeons and dermatologists are very aware of this matter and they will have you prepare enough for the operation to ensure no complications will occur.

You should not be perennially obsessed with hair loss problem. Let’s explore the available solutions suitable for you so you can finally toss out those horrific wigs and toupees and enjoy a fuller, thicker hair! Book a consultation and talk to us!

Image Source: Jay Wennington via and



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What You Could Be Giving Up When You’re Bulking Up

hair loss sydney

Men, it seems, are getting more conscious of their appearance, sometimes even competing with the ladies. From sleek haircuts, groomed eyebrows, to looking all dapper, a lot of guys today give breath to what being “metrosexual” means – sometimes to a fault. Some, in their attempts to look every bit of perfection, are willing to do anything to their bodies. But is it really worth it if it means facing potential hair loss?

Getting the desired body at a cost

Beyond the ensemble or any outward accoutrements, a lot of men are very much concerned with the structure underneath. A lot of guys are bent on getting into good shape which explains the dramatic spike in gym memberships in the past years. This is evident in the $8.5 million shelled by Aussies each year.

As much as health is an outlying concern, appearance can also be a large motivator. When you add desperation and impatience into the mix, people tend to dive into quick and easier solutions. This is where gym supplements come in with all their glossy promises of a muscular physique.

Supplements often come in powdered or capsule form  and these work by either giving a person more energy, protein, or a boost in one’s metabolism. Many gym enthusiasts rely on supplements to aid them in muscle building to achieve a more dramatic transformation. Protein supplements, in particular, are preferable options to buff up really well, to achieve a good form.

There is nothing wrong with using these supplements, however, it should be worth knowing that these also come with untoward reactions. In this case, it is usually hair that gets the brunt of the harmful effects.

The Irony Behind Growth Hormones

Certain protein shake include additives like inorganic growth hormones and creatine which are intended to promote the growth of muscle mass. However, in doing so this also raises testosterone levels in your blood stream. In and of itself, these growth hormones are not harmful, but if men who are already genetically predisposed to balding is exposed to it, the effects can be accelerated.

Men with a family history of hair thinning or hair loss should be particularly concerned when their testosterone levels get high, because these hormones exacerbate the situation. What is so interesting is that our bodies react to these hormones differently, and for some guys elevated testosterone levels can be rather problematic.

This primary male hormone can be broken down by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase which results in a chemical called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT),or the culprit behind hair thinning and hair loss. It works by inhibiting the growth of new hair cells in the scalp. To an untrained eye, the man may seem to be losing hair normally, however, the problem with this case is that he will no longer have any more growth to replace those that have shed. Eventually, this will become observable which will even lead to a more pronounced balding.

The protein shakes that men take prior to or after their workout can lead to such problems because it makes men susceptible to male pattern hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia. The more testosterone is introduced into your system, the more hormone is there available to be transformed into DHT.

It is important to make a clear distinction that protein shakes per se doesn’t cause a receding hairline or baldness, it can only accelerate the process in certain men. There has been an increase in the trend of young men losing their hair early. In an interview, Dr. Thomy Kouremada-Zioga, shared that “growth hormones such as creatine and DHEA not only increase muscle mass, but also increase testosterone levels in the bloodstream.”

What can you do about it?

If you are among those who are at risk for hair loss, the best advise that experts give is to kick the protein shake habit. Get your protein fix from high-protein foods instead. Incorporate chicken, fish, and eggs into your meal.

The hair follicles that were already damaged may no longer be recovered, but you can stop further damage if you stop the ongoing destructive process.

You might also want to check the exercises you are doing, as there are some that could also increase testosterone levels by a mile, which can also lead to the same hair loss effect.

If you want to keep your hair, make the change today. If you want to restore what’s been lost, come talk to us at Sydney Hair Transplant Clinic. Call in for a consultation today and know that being hairless doesn’t have to be permanent!

Photo credit: d_vdm via / CC BY-SA

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