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Hair Transplant Aftercare Cheat Sheet

Hair Transplant Aftercare Cheat Sheet [Updated]

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The final stretch is a critical time in achieving your desired results. At this point, the ball is in your court and you play a significant part in making sure that you are setting yourself up for surgical success. To help you sway things in that direction, here are hair transplant aftercare tips to get you started.

Normal Things to Expect

Before anything else, it is important that you know what you will normally expect after surgery. While it may not always look and feel pleasing, these are body reactions you can expect. 


General Hair Care Instructions

While you care for your hair in its initial stages of healing, it is important that you remember these quick and simple reminders. 

On washing and grooming your hair

Some surgeons allow gentle hair washing on the day after surgery. However, extra care should be given to avoid dislodging the grafts accidentally. Don’t let the stream of water from the shower hit your head directly to prevent dislodging the newly implanted grafts. To rinse the area, it’s better that you rinse it gently using a cup to slowly pour water over it. Dry the area by dabbing it with a soft towel, and comb it gently so as not to dislodge the grafts or disturb incisions.

On managing sutures

The sutures used during hair transplant are non-dissolvable, so careful aftercare measures must be taken until they can be removed. If in any case the sutures get dislodged prematurely, avoid puttling it out and just allow it to fall by itself. Just wait for the incision to close until it’s time to take them off, usually around the second week after surgery.

On avoiding habits that may compromise healing

Alcohol and cigarettes are some of the components that hamper healing. Avoid them for at least 4 weeks before and after surgery. Both interfere with wound healing, it counteracts the effects of your medications, and may even increase your risk for complications such as bleeding. It is also advised that you control your caffeine fix to 2 cups a day because even your favorite grind may increase bleeding tendencies.

Important Points on Hair Transplant Surgery Aftercare

Now, we go into details about the usual concerns that have a significant bearing on your healing process. 

Pain Control

Pain is a subjective experience, but this is an expected sensation during the first 2 nights following surgery. To alleviate any discomfort on the surgical sites involved, you can always take the pain medication prescribed by your doctor. This should control your discomfort, allowing you to rest and heal better.

Medications prescribed may include:

  • Acetaminophen – over-the-counter pain medications to treat mild to moderate pain (ex. Tylenol)
  • Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) – over-the-counter medications to treat mild to moderate pain (ex. Ibuprofen, Naproxen)
  • Opioids – for moderate to severe pain

In any case that the pain increases in intensity days after your procedure, report this to your surgeon. Pain can be a sign of infection, especially if there is redness in the area, warm to the touch, or if you develop a fever.

Wound Care

Proper wound care is essential for effective wound healing on the donor and recipient sites. Hair transplantation is treated much like any other post-surgical wound. It involves days of head dressings, punch grafts healing, and antibiotic therapy. How you manage these affects the way your wound heals, which is critical especially among FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) patients. 

Donor Area

The wound at the donor area requires additional collagen formation for it to heal. Eating the right foods, a potent supplement, and proper hydration can help boost your natural collagen.

If a tricophytic closure is used, healing at the donor site will be a combination of full thickness and partial thickness wounds. This needs proper moisture balance to optimize healing and reduction of tension to reduce scarring.

Furthermore, the importance of cleansing the back of the scalp – or the donor area – cannot be emphasized enough. You need to soak the area with water for one minute. Unless it is contraindicated by the surgeon, you can massage the donor area with shampoo using the pads of your fingers. Just let the water gently stream over the back of your head and prevent it from directly hitting the top of your scalp where the new grafts are implanted.

Recipient Site

The recipient site heals faster than the donor area due to the small size of the incisions created. Good moisture balance is also necessary to maintain optimal healing. While some think that Vaseline is adequate in providing moisture, some prefer to use medicated ointments.

Washing the new grafts must be done very gently. Surgeons suggest that you should not touch the grafts for the first week. You can prepare soapy water over the area. To prepare this you can dissolve a teaspoon of shampoo to a pitcher of water and pour it gently over the new grafts for 20 seconds. Rinse it for a good 20 seconds as well. Avoid doing it for too long or the grafts may absorb water and “pop up.”

After the first week, you can already start to work on loosening the crusts. Remember that excessive crust formation is also linked to potential infections. To carefully loosen these, you may place a bit of baby oil and gently rub it with the pads of your fingers. Follow it up with shampoo or a soapy solution before rinsing it with water. Never use fingernails to pick off the scabs as this can lead to scarring. Shampooing every day can help loosen the scabs until these are ready to fall off.

Every surgeon has their own post-surgical care instructions, but regardless of what they are it must be followed to the dot. Also remember that while some of the factors for wound healing is under the patient’s direct control, much of it is not. As a matter of fact, a large portion of wound healing has much to do with the surgeon’s techniques and the patient’s biological makeup. However, using the right techniques helps sway things in the right direction. 


There are some disputes among doctors regarding the use of antibiotics after hair transplant surgery. In most cases, doctors prescribe preventative antibiotics (prophylactic treatment), but some believe that there is no need for it at all. They believe that it is only necessary to provide antibiotic treatment only if there is already an infection present.

However, some doctors prefer that they give the medication right after treatment. This is to avoid any potential cause of infection.

Work and Exercise

You are to refrain from any strenuous activities during the first week after surgery. Minimal activity is recommended for the first 12 hours. It is also important to avoid excessive head movements and bending over during the first 24 hours. This is to prevent undue stress on the surgical site especially when it is still highly vulnerable. Some people may return to light work the day after surgery, but some may prefer to take at least 2-4 days off from work. However, due to physical signs of healing such as swelling and crusting, some patients opt to take a week off.

Follow-Up Check-Up

The follow-up check-up is an important step because this is a way for your surgeon to monitor your progress. You will also be set an appointment for suture removal around 2-3 weeks after surgery. Depending on your surgeon, there will a number of follow-up visits within the first year after your surgery. 

What You need to Do About Potential Adverse Reactions:


You may expect bleeding to occur the night after surgery and a few days after that. This may stop if firm pressure is applied on the area for 15 minutes. You can press it firmly but gently to prevent dislodging any surrounding grafts.

If you are unable to control the bleeding with rest and gentle pressure, inform your surgeon right away. Persistent bleeding is a sign that your surgical site is not healing as it should be.


Swelling is an inflammatory response of the body to the slight trauma created by the surgery. It usually occurs on the forehead around day 2-4 after the procedure. The swelling may descend to the eyelids due to gravity.  However, this should be no cause for worry because it will not leave any permanent problems.

You can significantly reduce swelling if you sleep with your head elevated at 45 degrees for at least 3 nights. To do this you may prop up your head on two pillows or use a recliner. 

Normally, swelling would subside by itself within a couple of days. Therefore, any prolonged swelling, especially if it is accompanied by pain or if it is warm to the touch, may be a sign of infection.


The risk for infection is present in any surgical procedure. While it may be rare in hair transplants, the likelihood of it happening cannot be eliminated.

The telltale signs of infection may include redness, discomfort, swelling, or bleeding. This implies that the surgical site is compromised.

To prevent infection after hair transplant surgery you can follow these tips:

  • Avoid touching the surgical site (donor and recipient areas)
  • Do not pick on the scabs as they heal, allow them to fall off by itself
  • Follow post-op care instructions carefully
  • Avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages during recovery
  • Make sure that you attend follow-up visits as scheduled by your surgeons

If you think you show any signs of an infection, immediately report it to your doctor so that prompt treatment can be given.

Remember that these are just general information which you can use during your consultation to ask the right questions. You are more than welcome to ask us your questions or concerns. Book your consultation with Dr. Daood today. 

Book your Private Consultation

If you are considering FUE or FUT Hair Transplant surgery please contact us for further information on pricing and procedural information.

To book a private consultation today with Dr. Daood call 1300 656 236.

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7 Things to Expect After Hair Transplant-1

7 Things to Expect After Hair Transplant

Updated on December 23, 2019

Hair is an important aspect that defines your appearance and a feature that can either boost or bust your confidence. This is why some guys are willing to pay a king’s ransom to restore their locks when faced with the threat of baldness. 

However, a leap into surgical hair restoration is no easy feat and it’s good that you found your way here to apprise yourself on what to expect after a hair transplant. In this way, you are more equipped to manage the aftercare process.

Sitting is recommended

7 Things to Expect After Hair Transplant-3

Any trauma that results in a break in the skin’s integrity can result in swelling or edema on the affected area. It is a natural consequence of hair transplantation that occurs around 2-6 days after the operation. 

Due to gravity, swelling can go down to the eyelids, which in some cases can become so severe that you may be unable to open your eyes. This would result in bruising or a  “black eye” after a few days. Prolonged swelling can also increase the risk of complications and your absences from work due to an unaesthetic appearance.

Doctors use this table when objectively assessing and grading post-operative edema:

GRADE Description
Grade 0 No edema 
Grade I Upper forehead edema 
Grade II Upper and lower forehead edema
Grade III Periorbital edema 
Grade IV Black eyes


During the initial stages of recovery, maintaining an upright or semi-lying down position can help reduce the swelling faster. When sleeping you can elevate your head at a 45-degree angle using  two pillows. 

Other physical methods to reduce swelling include: 

  • The use of a firm headband
  • Application of adhesive tapes below the hairline
  • The use of ice packs or bags of frozen peas
  • Steroids (orally or intramuscularly)

A proactive approach to minimise the swelling helps improve healing time and will make it progress faster.

Pain is a possibility

It’s normal to feel sore days after surgery. Typically, the donor and recipient site will do well a week after surgery, but it is also true that nerves awaken and the fluid under the skin will relocate resulting in a throbbing discomfort.

Pain during and after hair transplant surgery is expected. It is managed by proper surgical technique and the use of pain medications. Factors that contribute to pain include:

  • Wide strip
  • Bleeding
  • Wound tension 
  • Large sessions with inadequate anaesthesia

FUE (follicular unit extraction) heals faster than FUT (follicular unit transplantation) because it is less invasive. The pain experienced after surgery also varies accordingly. It is normal to experience some mild pain in the area up to two weeks after surgery, especially with FUT. 

Generally, the pain will naturally decline days after the procedure. But if you notice its intensity increases, it is necessary that you report this immediately to your doctor for it could signal an infection especially if accompanied by redness, fever, and foul-smelling discharges.

Generally, the pain will naturally decline days after the procedure.

Post-operative instructions vary for each surgeon. A cold compress is the easiest way to manage pain at home. Some doctors also advise moderate massages to the donor region to help alleviate the pain and increase circulation which is vital for healing. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and analgesics are also prescribed to ease the pain. 

Shock loss

7 Things to Expect After Hair Transplant-2

As the name suggests, shock loss can leave some worried as their transplanted hairs begin to fall off after surgery. This is a temporary state of hair shedding after a hair restoration procedure. this is a normal response to scalp trauma. In a few weeks, new hairs will start growing in place. For some patients, this can be a big psychological blow and may seem like the surgery failed, but for others, this is a normal part of the recovery process.

There are certain factors that increase the severity of shock loss. FUE is more likely to result in transient hair loss in the donor area than FUT. However, if FUT uses large amounts of grafts at a time and the strip is not closed correctly, this can worsen the shock loss a patient experiences.

If you are experiencing shock loss, the hair typically begins to grow back around 2-4 months in the new growth cycle. Around 99% of shock loss cases are temporary with an average return time of three months. However, if the patient has miniaturized hairs on the area where the shock loss is happening, then that hair might not grow back. This is because miniaturized hairs are already on their way out and shock loss caused by trauma only speeds up the process.

Healing time varies

The healing time for a hair transplant surgery generally follows a certain timeline. However, it is also true that there is no hard and fast rule on how we recover. It is normal for some to heal much faster than others, while some may encounter problems along the way. These differences are either caused by your biological makeup, your post-operative aftercare technique, or the surgeon’s surgical technique and expertise.

Usually, patients would sport a full growth around the tenth or eleventh month after surgery. If you are growing as much as the next guy, know that there are other factors that may come into play. Don’t immediately raise up arms thinking that you have been short-changed. Full growth may take a year, while others might even start to notice it during the 24th month.

You might need more than one session

As mentioned earlier, every patient heals differently. This is the reason why some patients need more than one session. In these cases, the surgeon would assess the hair growth after the initial procedure, before deciding on whether a second one is necessary. This is part of the individualized care that can be expected from a reputable surgeon.

The extent of hair loss would also affect the number of sessions that you need to undergo. This is common in those who have extensive or an advanced form of hair loss. If you prefer an FUE procedure, this would usually require more than one session to achieve the desired result.

These secondary procedures may also be considered touch-ups to cover areas that may still be affected by the progressing hair loss. Therefore, some surgeons advise other patients against hair transplant too early on, as they prefer to perform the procedure after the hair loss has stabilized.

Risks are always involved

Every surgery comes with risks. Anything that involves a break in skin integrity means opening yourself up to a host of complications which can result in a poor outcome.

Post-Operative Complications in Hair Transplant Surgery
General Complications
  1. Syncope
  2. Itching
  3. Post-operative hiccup or cough
  4. Localised infection
Complications After FUT 
  1. Donor site wound dehiscence (strip wound opening up)
  2. Tissue death on the surgical site due to delayed wound healing or no healing at all
  3. Scarring
  4. Persistent pain 
  5. Hematoma (bruising)
  6. Suture extrusion
Complications After FUE
  1. Donor site depletion
  2. Pinpoint scarring
  3. Unusual discharges in surgical site
  4. Buried grafts
  5. Overharvesting
  6. Tissue death
  7. Subdermal cysts
  8. Keloid 


The good news is that the circumstances that surround these risks are all controllable. It comes down to preparing your body, choosing the right team, and never selling yourself cheap to dubious practices. The question is, are you willing to increase these risks or improve your chances for success? From there, you make the effort accordingly.

It’s not just your hair you restore!

Although this is not an assurance, a new hairline or an improved hair density is not the only possibility that you get out of the procedure. A hair transplant helps you regain confidence as well. The reason why success is not a certainty is that the result relies on several factors that all come into play. If you want to meet this expectation, you need to put in the effort to prepare for the procedure. When done properly, this surgical option can leave you with highly satisfying results.

A hair transplant helps you regain confidence

More people are opening up to a hair transplant now due to the advanced techniques and devices that increase your chances of getting a natural-looking result. If they like to be discreet about it, people can come out after recovery feeling more confident because studies show that most men can’t even notice a hair transplant.

Take these into consideration while you plan for your hair transplant. For advice on hair transplant in Sydney, talk to Dr. Daood of the Sydney Hair Transplant Clinic. Book your consultation today, here.

If you’re considering hair transplant surgery, contact us to map out your plan today.  Book a private consultation with Dr. Daood today.

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Is Hair Transplant Really a Good Idea

Is Hair Transplant Really a Good Idea?

Hair transplant has earned its place for being among those reliable treatment for hair restoration today. However, despite its promise, this procedure has its limitations that will serve as important considerations for potential patients.

So, is a hair transplant really a good idea with the kind of follicular dilemma you have right now? Let’s tackle the matter further.

Check your expectations

As much as your eligibility for this procedure rely on the physical factors, the psychological aspect is just as important. Your surgeon will see to it that you have realistic expectations on the outcome of the procedure. Otherwise, you would not be considered a good candidate for surgery.

For instance, it is important to keep in mind that in hair transplant you have to contend with a finite amount of donor hairs. Hence, there is an apparent need to ensure that the hairs are used in an efficient manner. Therefore, you cannot just expect to keep having small surgeries to keep up with your hair loss. Aside from being impractical, you must also consider of the donor hairs if you keep on exposing your scalp to trauma.

If you fully understand what the surgery entails, what it can or cannot do, and even how long you would wait for results then you are a good candidate for a hair transplant.

Got Donor Hair?

The condition of your donor hair is a significant determining factor on whether hair transplant is the appropriate procedure for you. Those with low hair densities doesn’t make good candidates for hair transplant.

Normally, the donor hairs (also called terminal hairs) come in a uniformed diameter, but the action of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in androgenetic hair loss causes some of the terminal hairs to decrease in length and diameter too until they eventually succumb to miniaturization. These changes are first observed as thinning until it eventually leads to complete baldness. While this process may usually affect the front and top portions of the scalp, it can also wreak havoc on the donor areas. If these areas show thinning, particularly when a person is young, then a hair transplant may not be successful because the transplanted hair will continue to thin.

Men who are affected with diffuse unpatterned alopecia (DUPA) also have an unhealthy donor supply, making them poor candidates for a hair transplant. Therefore, make sure that you ask help from a hair transplant doctor who makes the extra step to carefully assess your entire scalp. A densitometer or an equivalent instrument can help do the job since miniaturization is not easily visible to the naked eye.

Flexible Scalp

The flexibility of the scalp or looseness of the skin is called scalp laxity. This is a relatively simple requirement in determining if a hair transplant will be appropriate for you. The looser your scalp is the easier it is for the surgeon to insert the new hair follicles. Conversely, the tighter the scalp and the lower the density, the more difficult it is to harvest your donor hair or close the donor area after surgery particularly in an FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) technique. If your scalp is exceptionally tight, them a hair transplant may not be a good option for you.

Looking for Instant Results?

No one can blame you if you want results now. However, the fact of the matter is that long-lasting results take time. If you want it to happen now, there are temporary solutions, but that’s also the catch – it won’t last you very long.

Depending on other factors, hair transplant surgery results will start to become apparent during the 4th to 8th month post-op. It is only around the 12th month, or sometimes 18th month, where you can already appreciate the final outcome. It may be a longer journey than most course of action, but it can give you natural-looking results that can last longer. This may not be the right treatment for those who are looking for quick fixes.

Got Funds?

Hair transplant is considered the last resort in hair restoration owing to the fact that it is an invasive procedure. The complexity of this surgery demands skills and meticulous effort from a trained, experienced and certified surgeon. This explains why it comes at a certain price too. So, if you are interested in undergoing surgery, be sure you have the funds to see it through.

Since hair transplant has gotten so popular, it is also hounded by substandard practitioners that will offer you remarkably low prices, but with not much to show for it. Some may even tempt you with package deals where you can get a certain number of hair grafts at a low price. With all these eye-catching offers that appeal to your pockets, it is always important for potential patients to know better.

It is never wise to spend your money on cheaper treatments or packages because hair transplant is not a cookie cutter procedure. If you want to commit to surgical hair restoration be sure that you have enough funds on stash to afford a reputable surgeon and good quality results. Otherwise, it would be for your own good if you go for other measures instead.

Hair transplant cost is no joke, but when done right, it is a smart investment. Remember that if you don’t have the luxury to spend on a good surgeon, you also don’t have the luxury of donor grafts. Therefore, you must to utilize resources wisely. It would be wiser that you wait it out until you can afford a good hair transplant rather than jumping right into cheap procedures that seems too good to be true.

On the question whether hair transplant is a good idea for you, it begs every hair loss sufferer to stop and reassess their situation. The question you can answer up front is whether you can afford a reputable surgeon. Your answer can already set you towards the next step. For the other considerations mentioned above, it helps that you get professional help so you can be guided accordingly.

While it is true that hair transplant is a treatment that has left many satisfied with their results, it is not always for everybody. What you must understand is that if you want to get your money’s worth, you need to know if you are a good candidate.

Book your consultation  with Dr. Daood of the Sydney Hair Transplant today to know if this is the hair loss solution that is right for you.

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Are You Too Young for a Hair Transplant

Are You Too Young for a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is not an easy decision when you are desperately seeking solutions for your hair loss. Yes, it is one promising treatment, but you don’t necessarily get desired results when deciding on a whim. One of the major factors that must be considered first is your age. Read and learn why the right number matters.

The key in determining good candidates for hair transplant surgery is estimating how the patient’s hair loss pattern might progress. Since male hair loss also affects young men, those in their early twenties are often left embarrassed, unhappy, and desperate that they search for quick fixes.
So, is hair loss really the end all and be all in these cases?

The answer, for now, is no.

Hair Loss Progression

In order to understand the rationale behind advising young men against opting for hair transplant straightaway is to know the progression of hair loss.

It doesn’t take rocket science to realize that hair loss is a progressive condition. It can leave a man completely bald, or it can result in a certain shape hence the term male pattern baldness. Hairs don’t shed overnight, rather it takes its time, sometimes thinning out first before it falls off.

When the effects of hair loss start to become obvious, those affected would often want to look good now. It is only understandable especially for men in their 20s when it is supposedly the prime of their life and you should be sporting youthful features. Aside from their own issues about it, some find it affecting their dating life or their career.
The distress that occurs over losing one’s hair is legitimate and it shouldn’t be brushed aside. But it also shouldn’t be done without careful consideration of one’s age.

Age Matters

Surgeons definitely proceed with caution before approving a candidate who is under the age of 18, or even those who are in their early 20s. It is in rare cases when teenage hair loss patients who wish to undergo the procedure are carefully vetted first before being approved – if they are approved at all.

For best results, it is advised that you wait until the hair loss process has slowed down or stabilized before undergoing a hair transplant. If you jump right into surgery, it’s still too early in the hair loss process to predict the pattern that your hair loss would take. As a result, your transplant may end up looking unnatural as you lose more hair. The transplanted hair will look luscious and would grow with vigor, while the surrounding areas will continue to get thinner.

Other Options

Surgeons commonly advise patients to stabilize their hair loss first using medical management before even considering surgical hair restoration. Two of the mainstays for male pattern hair loss management are topical and oral medications. These two are well-studied medications for male hair loss and they have been proven to be effective as well.

There are also newer options available in the market today such as light therapy, protein-rich plasma injections, etc. Once the hair loss has become stable, then one can consider having surgical hair restoration.

There are some surgeons who may provide a minor hair transplant to provide some density at the hairline with the understanding that you will likely need additional treatment in the future as your hair loss progresses.

The Right Age

It is the responsibility of surgeons to guide patients with their own anxieties. It is the ethical practice that they give them the hard facts instead of just simply going with what the patient wants but sacrificing aesthetic outcome in the future. Also, you wouldn’t want to risk using donor hairs which are of a very limited supply.

The improvements and increased reliability of hair transplant surgery might have exploded its popularity today, this could mean that patients are undergoing surgery when it isn’t really for their best interest. It could leave these patients disappointed five to ten years later when they are left with poorly-designed hairlines with very little consideration for a natural look.

Most hair transplant surgeons agree that the minimum age for a hair transplant is 25 and the ideal age is 40 and above. At 25 the surgeons have some idea as to how the hair loss is progressing and what can be done to approach it surgically.

Young, desperate and anxious patients are vulnerable and could jump at any easy solution. But having read this information, we hope that you now see the bigger reason behind the right age for hair transplant surgery. Look ahead instead of rushing into it today as inappropriate surgery could have you living to regret it.

Trust a hair transplant surgeon who is knowledgeable in hair loss for more information that is specific to your concerns. It doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything about your hair loss today. Book your consultation at the Sydney Hair Transplant and let Dr. Daood and his team help you.

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Top 5 Factors that Increases Your Risk for Hair Loss

Top 5 Factors that Increases Your Risk for Hair Loss

Are you wondering what in the world is causing your hair loss? You might be at a point where you find yourself alarmed at the amount of hair that’s been shedding, or the senseless exodus when you believe that you have been every inch the health buff. However, like an unraveling mystery, or bodies can sometimes surprise us. Here are 5 of the top reasons that would make you a potential hair loss victim.


It has always been an erroneous belief that the hair loss gene hailed from the maternal side of the family. While it is true that the genetic factor for baldness is carried by the X chromosome, which you get from your mom, it is not necessarily true that it is the sole culprit. Genetic hair loss, or male/female pattern baldness, can also be passed down by the paternal genes.

Based on research, this form of hair loss is attributed to a particular androgen or male hormone. This androgen, which is tagged to be the main culprit for hair loss, is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is not to say that this particular hormone is bad in and of itself, as it also provides a number of important functions for the body like the development of the male genitalia in the womb.

Hair loss occurs when DHT attaches to androgen receptors on hair follicles which then triggers the receptors to start miniaturization process. Eventually, the hairs affected sheds off resulting in bald patches which that takes on certain shape hence the term “pattern baldness”. Experts have yet to fully understand why the effects of DHT are more profound in some individuals compared to others. However certain possible factors that have been pointed out include:

  • Increased local DHT production
  • Increased DHT receptors
  • Increased sensitivity of the androgen receptor
  • Increased amount of circulating testosterone which is a DHT precursor


We often associate hair loss with old age, however, if you look at the trend this is not necessarily the case. There are a lot of hair loss sufferers who lose their locks and even end up bald, at an early age. Although, age-related hair loss is mostly experienced by individuals who are in their twilight years due to the gradual decline of the structures.

If you look at the progression of hair loss, it is usually in the late twenties to the mid-thirties that changes in the overall appearance and density of the hairs start. Pattern hair loss at a younger age has not yet fully revealed since it may still advance over the years. This is a key consideration for individuals who will be considering a hair transplant.

In the event that an elective surgery is done at an early age, future surgeries might have to be done to maintain the natural appearance. It is for this reason that you should be properly advised by a certified and experienced surgeon because procedures done too early may have to be surgically corrected.

Read: Why Are Young Men Losing Hair Early

Disease or Illness

Certain conditions can result in hair loss, such as thyroid diseases (hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism), ringworm of the scalp, or Systemic lupus erythematosus. Hair loss is only incidental to the condition due to the depletion of certain nutrients in the body or hormonal shifts.

The common symptoms of thyroid problems in include scattered hair loss and this is true for both an underactive and overactive thyroid. Fortunately, the hair loss caused by this condition can be reversed with proper treatment.

Ringworm is a fungal infection that when left untreated will result in permanent scarring. Severe infections will still result in patches of hair loss even after treatment has been done.

A more serious condition associated with hair loss is lupus, an autoimmune condition which destroys the hair follicles. Furthermore, the medicines used can also trigger more hair shedding. To manage the problem suggestions include, wigs, hair wraps, hair extensions, or a hair transplant.

Other health problems with hair loss as presenting symptoms include heavy metal poisoning, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, late-stage syphilis, HIV and any severe ongoing or chronic illness. 

Medicines and medical treatments

Medications may be formulated to provide therapeutic effects, however, it is also inherent in their chemical makeup that they also pose a certain risk. This effect is a result of the interference of the normal hair growth cycle resulting in two types of hair loss, Telogen effluvium, and Anagen Effluvium. The list of medications that cause this problem include:

  • Anticoagulants
  • Large doses of Vitamin A
  • Beta-Blockers
  • Antidepressants
  • Gout Medications
  • ACE (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme) Inhibitors
  • Male and Female hormones

Medical treatments like Chemotherapy or dialysis may also result in hair changes which may eventually lead to hair loss. This is a reaction to malnutrition or the side effects of the medications used which leaves the patient immunocompromised. Fortunately, this type of hair loss is reversible once the course of treatment is finished.

Hair care and styling

The way you style your hair can pose a negative effect on the entire structure, especially if you wear it for prolonged periods of time. This is referred to as traction alopecia, caused by the strong amount of pressure applied on the roots of the hair follicles. Studies show that this is common among African-American hairstyles which tend to be scalp-pulling, similar to the tension created by weaves and extensions.

Read: Top-Knots and Man Buns: Hairstyles that Lead to Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss is a multifactorial phenomenon which has to be scrutinized more carefully if you are serious about getting the proper treatment and the likelihood of it being effective. To this effect, it is important that you find a good hair loss expert or surgeon, to guide you through the process of restoration.

If you have more questions, feel free to drop Sydney Hair Transplant Clinic a message.

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